is a registered Agricultural company in Nigeria established to unlock the potential of small and medium scale farmers across the country. Smithswork Agro recognizes the contributions of small and medium scale farmers to food production in Nigeria and is determined to empower and scale farmers’ effort in meeting the food need of the teeming population in the country.
What We Do
Smithswork Agro Services Limited envisions being a model of help to Nigeria’s food production through our contribution to the growth of small and medium scale farmers in the country.
We unlock potentials


Some of the observed benefits of the products (from results of field trials) include:
• Higher microbial soil counts;
• Improved yields;
• Improved germination;
• Reduction in irrigation;
• Reduction in the use of chemical fertilizers.
Zytonic – Biology Booster
In partnership with Zydex Industries, India, we are giving farmers hope of increasing yields and the quality of their produce through our soil booster, Zytonic-M. Zytonic Biology Booster is a soil enhancer that is 100% biodegradable and eco-friendly.